St. Isodore Parish
Winona Townsite Company was established by four men who foresaw the opportunity of establishing one of the first towns in the soon-to-be-opened county. In 1908 the Rosebud Indian Reservation was opened for settlement and the region was designated as Tripp County. In the spring of 1909 homesteaders began settling the new town site on the vast prairie. One of the first settlers was Pat Sullivan, a carpenter, who proved to be very valuable to the community.
In 1910 the church site of Saint Isidore’s was donated to the Catholics through the generosity of the Townsite Company. Pat Sullivan, the main carpenter, and others began the construction of the church. The first year the church was not plastered. Later it was plastered and finished with hardwood floors, stations, a remodeled alter and a communion rail. In 1954 the church was enlarged and a full basement added.
In 1951 the Saint Maria Goretti Court of Catholic Daughters was formed. Their first regent was Mrs. Elliot and a court of 16. Credit goes to them and parishioners along with members of the community, who worked hard during those years, holding socials and giving entertainment to help improve the conditions of the church. They are still active in the care of the church. They do cheer baskets for the elderly and award scholarships to the youth of the community. Parishioners continue serving meals at the funerals of members.
A two-room house was moved in from McNeely and set up near the church for a rectory. Now the parish house is a two-story building surrounded by trees and shrubs and flowers.
Fr. John Novak continued to serve the parish as a mission until 1914 when Fr. Charles Georgen began his service to St. Isidore’s. In 1917 Fr. Z. Gosselin became the resident priest and served until 1929. Fr. Kipp followed and was pastor for one year. For the next 39 years or more, Fr. D.C. Padula served as priest. Many improvements were made during his time in Colome. He was very interested in beautifying the church and the grounds by planting trees and flowers; he was the principal caretaker of the church yard for all the years he was at St. Isidore’s. In 1972 the parish was served by Fr. Patrick O’Dowd. Fr. Charles Bresson served after Fr. O’Dowd for six years. Fr. R.O. Burger served after Fr. Charles for eight years followed by Fr. Patrick Igoe for four years. After the death of Fr. Igoe in 1989 St. Isidore’s parish became a sister parish with Immaculate Conception of Winner. Fr. Arnold Kari served both parishes until 1990. During the summer of 1990 the Diocese of Rapid City underwent a realignment of parishes and personnel. At that time Fr. Kerry Prendiville was assigned as pastor of both parishes and resided in Winner. Deacon Michael Curtin and his wife, Wilma, resided in Colome and assisted Fr. Kerry. They retired in 1999 and moved back to Rapid City. Fr. Brian Lane served for six years followed by Fr. Leo Hausmann with Associate Father Janusz Korban. Monsignor Michael Woster served the parish through 2012. Fr. Andrzej is the present priest, serving approximately 99 families in Colome and more in the Winner parish as well.
Saint Isidore is the Patron Saint of the parish, along with his wife, Saint Maria. He is widely venerated as the patron of peasants and farmers. Under their heavenly core and through their intercession, the people of St. Isidore’s parish continue to hand on their faith to their children and witness to it by their Christian life and service. They are grateful for countless blessings in the last 100 years. The parish feast day is St. Isidore’ Feast on May 15th.